Lily T. Hsu

Lily Hsu

Lily T. Hsu

JD, 2021



Howard J. Rudge Creative Solutions Award

Presented to the members of the graduating Juris Doctor or Master of Laws class for the best papers proposing a creative solution to a serious societal problem in the United States.

With Gratitude

When I first started thinking about law school and going through the application process, I didn't tell anyone. One reason was that I wanted law school to be my decision alone, and, thus, my own failure or my own success. While I think that at that time in my life, I needed to make the decision to go to law school on my own, I was wrong to think that it could be my success or failure alone. Law school is not something to be done solo, and I will be forever grateful to everyone who has helped me along the way. 
 To my parents: Thank you for your unwavering support. Four years ago, I didn't initially tell you that I been accepted to law school. You must have known something was up because when I told you I was taking a trip to DC, Mom invited herself. I will never forget sitting down and telling her over lunch that I was going to law school. I was so terrified that you would be disappointed that I was changing careers. I remember instead Mom said, "I think that's great! I was worried you were having an affair." When we got back to the hotel, we immediately called Dad who also said that he was thrilled. Thank you both for being just as supportive of me all four years as you were that first day. 
 To my professors and the wonderful attorneys at my work: Thank you for sharing your passions, insights, and love of the law with me each and every day. 
 To my fellow evening students: Simply sharing classes with you has inspired and encouraged me throughout this journey. I am in awe of your work ethic and am convinced that I will never meet a group of more determined individuals.